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Interview Beminshah Brand | 2021 International Bio-tech Invention Gold Award Winner in Geneva, SwitzerlandDetails
Recently, the 2021 International Bio-tech Invention Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland officially announced the award! Beminshah, a well-known enzyme brand from Taiwan, China, is among them. It won the gold medal of the Geneva Biotechnology Invention Award with its product lime enzyme.
Beminshah “limonin” from Taiwan won the gold medal International Bio-technology Exhibition at the GenevaDetails
The 49th International Invention Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland, 2021 has recently concluded, with thousands of exhibitors from all over the world! At the exhibition, Beminshah as a well-known enzyme brand in Taiwan, won the gold medal of bio-technological invention by limonin and lemon polyphenols.
Beminshah from Taiwan won the gold medal at the International Bio-technological Inventions Exhibition in GenevaDetails
In March 2021, Beminshah, a well-known enzyme brand from Taiwan, won the favor of the international invention community by virtue of limonin in the product lime enzyme stock solution at the 2021 International Invention Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland, and won the gold medal of the Geneva International bio-technology Invention Award!
The 2021 Geneva International Invention Exhibition award announced! Taiwan brand Beminshah won the gold medal of bio-technology invention!Details
Recently, Beminshah as a well-known enzyme brand from Taiwan, won the favor of the 2021 gold medal of International Invention Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland award.
List announced! Beminshah from Taiwan won the gold medal at the 2021 International Biotechnological Inventions Exhibition in Geneva, SwitzerlandDetails
In March 2021, the International Invention Exhibition 2021 in Geneva, Switzerland, jointly organized by the International Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Swiss Federal Government, officially ended
Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited Enters Fortune Global 500Details
On August 2, the Fortune Global 500 2021 was released. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as “GPHL” for short) made into the fortune global 500 list for the first time in 2021, ranking 468. It has become the first company to enter the Fortune global 500 with TCM as its main business.
IENS Group Aloittaa Uuden Kehityksen Globaalissa TerveydenhuollossaDetails
3. elokuuta 2021 World Global Health Industry Development Forum pidettiin Tianjinissa, Kiinassa. Foorumi toimi alustana, jossa alan johtajat ja eri alojen sidosryhmät kokoontuivat yhteen etsimään mahdollisia innovoinnin ja parantamisen alueita maailmanlaajuisella terveydenhuollon alalla.
Nye opdagelser fra TIENS Group til at tilpasse sig globaliseringens tendensDetails
Den 3. august 2021 (Kinesisk tid), organiserede TIENS Group "One Belt One Road Health Industry Development Forum i Post COVID-19 æraen” for at fejre 26-årsdagen for dannelsen af selskabet. Her benyttede man lejligheden til at diskutere den nuværende situation og udviklingstendenserne for den internationale sundhedsindustri. Det er blevet rapporteret, at TIENS Group, som blev etableret i 1995, har
Nova istraživanja TIENS grupe za adaptaciju prema trendovima globalizacijeDetails
3. avgusta, 2021 (Kinesko standardno vreme), za proslavu 26. godišnjice ove organizacije, TIENS grupa je organizovala “Jedan kaiš – jedan put, Forum za razvoj zdravstvene industrije u doba posle COVID-a” i iskoristila priliku da diskutuje o trenutnoj situaciji i trendu razvoja u međunarodnoj zdravstvenoj industriji. Izveštava se da TIENS grupa, osnovana 1995. godine, koja se počela širiti na globa
Unlock Salil Shetty, Former Secretary General Of “Amnesty International”: Supports Legal Sex Trafficking, Leads To Employee Suicides Due To MismanagementDetails
In February 2019, a report on the health and well-being of the workforce attracted the attention of Unite, the largest union in the UK and Ireland. The report stated that "39% of Amnesty international staff believed they had suffered mental or physical health problems as a result of their work."